Main competences

Analyzing problems

Solving challenges means always finding the cause of the problem first.
My broad experience on all levels and areas helps me finding it quickly.
The same experience helps me to find a solution that is acceptable for the majority.


Try to challenge people to look with a helicopter view to their "daily habits".
Is the way they do it ("I do it always like this") really the best way or can it more efficient?
Some guidance with Excel can make a big step forward already.


Development of my idea of putting invoice information in a datamatrix code on an invoice.
Please contact me if you want more information about this.


Finding solutions in all kind of areas like systems, finance-IT projects, reporting, budget, compensation etc. with as main goal to have an efficient and reliable administration.
In case of international projects it means sharing as much as possible knowledge to make it a succes.
Common responsibility doesn't stop at the border.


Stay consequent in decisions or policies and do this towards everybody in the same way.


Numbers don't lie so this is the easiest way to convince people in the case things needs to be changed.
But letting people think in a certain direction and when they come by themselves to the conclusion / solution you had in mind it is more satisfying.
In those cases there is a broader support for changes.


An administration should provide the whole organization with reliable and quick available management information that allows me (and the rest of the company) to react adequate on changes in actuals, budgets or other relevant items.
With the right setup of the systems and competent people in your staff an administration can be runned smoothly.
I have made a small presentation where I briefly explain how you can save time with a report writer. Please click at it on the right side.